Advent 2024 Corey Wright Advent 2024 Corey Wright


Luke 2 :1-20

Celebrate the Good News of Jesus Christ:

  1. Consider God's Sovereign Plan (Luke 2:1-7)

  2. Worship because of the Son (Luke 2:8-20)

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Preeminent Corey Wright Preeminent Corey Wright

Before All Things

Colossians 1:17, Luke 9:28-43

  1. Glory on the mountaintop (Luke 9:28-36)

  2. Glory on the ground (Luke 9:37-43)

  3. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Colossians 1:17)

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Preeminent Corey Wright Preeminent Corey Wright

Image of the Invisible God

Colossians 1:15, Luke 7:36-50

With power over creation, Jesus judges all and forgives those with faith.

  1. Worship Jesus for whom He is  (Luke 7:36-40)

  2. Worship Jesus for what He does (Luke 7:41-50)

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Corey Wright Corey Wright

Having a Grateful Heart

Luke 17:11-19

  1. Jesus passing along between Samaria and Galilee: Ten lepers. (Luke 17:11-12) 

  2. Have mercy on us…show yourselves to the priest. (Luke 17:13-14)

  3. Only one of them turned back; a Samaritan. (Luke 17:14-16)

  4. Your faith has made you well. (Luke 17:17-19)

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Believe Corey Wright Believe Corey Wright


Luke 1:26-38

  1.  Humbly Believe (Luke 1:26-33)

  2. Honestly Believe (Luke 1:34-37)

  3. Believe God's will (Luke 1:38) 

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Prayer Corey Wright Prayer Corey Wright

Praying Properly

Luke 11:1-13

  1. Lord teach us how to pray (Luke 11:1-4)

  2. A friend in need (Luke 11:5-8)

  3. Ask, seek, and knock (Luke 11:9-10)

  4. The love of our Father to his children (Luke 11:10-13)

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God With Us Corey Wright God With Us Corey Wright

Jesus' Resurrection

Luke 24:1-12

The trajectory of Jesus' life from manger, to cross, to grave, to resurrection means God is with us.

His Birth and Resurrection are:

  1. Considered impossible (Luke 24:1-8)

  2. Counter Intuitive (Luke 24:9-11)

  3. Marvelous (Luke 24:12)

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God With Us Corey Wright God With Us Corey Wright

Jesus' Death

Luke 23:32-46

Jesus' birth is purposeful to lead to the cross. His birth & death both encompassed:

  1. Humility (Luke 23:33-34)

  2. Hatred (Luke 23:35-39)

  3. Faith (Luke 23:40-42)

  4. Salvation (Luke 23:43)

  5. Supernational (Luke 23:44-45)

  6. Worship (luke 23:46-47)

  7. Wonder (Luke 23:48-49)

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Corey Wright Corey Wright

The Good Samaritan

Luke 10:25-37

  • The lawyer stoop up with a question (10:25)

  • What is written in the law? (10:26)

  • Love the Lord your God (10:27)

  • You have answered correctly (10:28)

  • Still desiring to justify himself (10:29)

  • Jericho (10:30)

  • The Priest (10:31)

  • The Levite (10:32)

  • The Samaritan (10:33)

  • Loving your neighbor as yourself (10:34-35)

  • Which of these proved to be a neighbor? (10:36)

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Centered Corey Wright Centered Corey Wright


Luke 19:1-10

  1. Jesus entered Jericho.

  2. Zacchaeus: a chief tax collector.

  3. Zacchaeus was seeking to see Jesus.

  4. Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree.

  5. I must stay at your house.

  6. Zacchaeus responds to Jesus joyfully.

  7. The crowd grumbles.

  8. Half of my goods (generosity in action)

  9. Zacchaeus experiences salvation.

  10. Jesus' mission was accomplished.

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