The Way of the Righteous and Wicked
Psalm 1:1-6
The way of the righteous (Psalm 1:1-3)
The end of the wicked ( Psalm 1:4-6)
Praying from the Rock Bottom
Psalm 6
Appeal to God's Mercy (vv. 1-3)
Plead God's Covenant Love (vv. 4-5)
Long for God's Comfort (vv. 6-7)
Respond to God's Grace (vv. 8-10)
PRAY: P is for Praise
Psalm 103
Praise God Intentionally (Psalm 103)
God is worthy of the worship of the world (Psalm 103:22)
When You're Doing Right, But Everything Is Wrong
Psalm 44
Remember God's work (Psalm 44:1-8)
Suffering for doing right (Psalm 44:9-22)
Confidently call on God (Psalm 44:23-26)
A Vision for 2022
Psalm 103
Remember the Lord's work (1-7)
Meditate on Whom the Lord is (8-19)
Praise the Lord (20-22)
Scripture Intake
2 Timothy 3:16 and Psalm 119:105
Scripture is Inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16)
Scripture is profitable (2 Timothy 3:16)
Store up God's word (Psalm 119:11)
God's word is light (Psalm 119:105)
Learning to Lament
Psalm 6
Key Truth: Learn to Lament. Expressing our suffering to God helps us to learn to trust God more deeply, to look to His promises for saving, to know Him more deeply, and to allow him to change us.
Learn to Lament by:
1. Expressing it to God (6:1-7).
Express to God your anger, pain, hurt, discouragement, fear, and doubts.
2. Learning to trust God more deeply (6:3-4).
3. Learning to look to the Lord’s promises for saving (6:4).
4. Learning to know God more deeply (6:5-7).
5. Allowing him to change us (6:8-10).
Psalm 5
Psalm 5
We are to approach God with an earnest desire to know the reality of His presence in our lives.
We approach God with reverential awe.
We are to approach Him with a sense of expectation of hearing from Him.
We are to come to God with a firm grip on the colossal magnitude of His grace.
Worship = Obedient Lifestyle
Psalm 100
We worship through music
We worship by adoring God
We worship by serving God
We worship by trusting His heart
We worship by surrendering our will to Him